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Query performance prediction (QPP) aims to estimate the retrieval quality of a search system for a query without human relevance judgments. Previous QPP methods typically return a single scalar value and do not require the predicted values to approximate a specific information retrieval (IR) evaluation measure, leading to certain drawbacks: (i) a single scalar is insufficient to accurately represent different IR evaluation measures, especially when metrics do not highly correlate, and (ii) a single scalar limits the interpretability of QPP methods because solely using a scalar is insufficient to explain QPP results. To address these issues, we propose a QPP framework using automatically generated relevance judgments (QPP-GenRE), which decomposes QPP into independent subtasks of judging the relevance of each item in a ranked list to a given query. This allows us to predict any IR evaluation measure using the generated relevance judgments as pseudo-labels; Also, this allows us to interpret predicted IR evaluation measures, and identify, track and rectify errors in generated relevance judgments to improve QPP quality. We judge relevance by leveraging a leading open-source large language model (LLM), LLaMA, to ensure scientific reproducibility. In doing so, we address two main challenges: (i) excessive computational costs of judging the entire corpus for predicting a recall-based metric, and (ii) poor performance in prompting LLaMA in a zero-/few-shot manner. We devise an approximation strategy to predict a recall-oriented IR measure and propose to fine-tune LLaMA using human-labeled relevance judgments. Experiments on the TREC 2019-2022 deep learning tracks show that QPP-GenRE achieves state-of-the-art QPP accuracy for both lexical and neural rankers in both precision- and recall-oriented metrics.