首页 > 资源库 > 研究论文 > ADynamicLinearBiasIncorporationSchemeforNonnegativeLatentFactorAnalysis


High-Dimensional and Incomplete (HDI) data is commonly encountered in big data-related applications like social network services systems, which are concerning the limited interactions among numerous nodes. Knowledge acquisition from HDI data is a vital issue in the domain of data science due to their embedded rich patterns like node behaviors, where the fundamental task is to perform HDI data representation learning. Nonnegative Latent Factor Analysis (NLFA) models have proven to possess the superiority to address this issue, where a linear bias incorporation (LBI) scheme is important in present the training overshooting and fluctuation, as well as preventing the model from premature convergence. However, existing LBI schemes are all statistic ones where the linear biases are fixed, which significantly restricts the scalability of the resultant NLFA model and results in loss of representation learning ability to HDI data. Motivated by the above discoveries, this paper innovatively presents the dynamic linear bias incorporation (DLBI) scheme. It firstly extends the linear bias vectors into matrices, and then builds a binary weight matrix to switch the active/inactive states of the linear biases. The weight matrix's each entry switches between the binary states dynamically corresponding to the linear bias value variation, thereby establishing the dynamic linear biases for an NLFA model. Empirical studies on three HDI datasets from real applications demonstrate that the proposed DLBI-based NLFA model obtains higher representation accuracy several than state-of-the-art models do, as well as highly-competitive computational efficiency.
